Animals serve as powerful metaphors for universal concepts and historically carry symbolic meaning for many cultures. Exploring how and when we encounter animals in nature allows us to engage our imagination and intuition, rather than relying on intellect and logic.
Here are some important questions to consider when you experience a spirit animal in either physical or symbolic form:
What messages does the spirit animal have for me?
How does the spirit animal fit me?
What is the spirit animal asking me to be aware of?
Here are some common meanings and symbols of animals that you might encounter as a spirit animal in your life.
The owl is symbolic of intuitive knowledge, enlightenment and wisdom. The owl is patient and offers clarity, encouraging us to see the reality of situations, looking past the illusions we have created. The owl guides us through the unknown and brings to light truth. Embracing the intuition of the owl allows us to make sound decisions, imploring our creativity to undergo transformation and change. Our unique handmade pocket totem is a great reminder of your inner owl to keep with you wherever you go.
The panda is gentle, tranquil and strong. The panda is a symbol of good luck and peace. The panda is highly sensitive to its surroundings and encourages us to create comfort and safety in our lives, so that we may experience a sense of ease. The panda is loving and calm guiding us to bring harmony to our path.
The phoenix is symbolic of rebirth and renewal. The phoenix guides us to make progress as prosperity will come from our transformation. The phoenix is often depicted by fire and is known for its ability to rise from the ashes. The rebirth of the phoenix encourages us to find the power in our transformation.
The peacock is magical and majestic. It is symbolic of pride and self assurance. The peacock struts confidently and gracefully, but may seem unapproachable, encouraging us to seek humility in our actions while embracing our inner truth. The peacock is associated with prosperity, wealth and power.
The rabbit is alert and always on the move, yet is timid. It is a symbol of luck and abundance. The rabbit is clever and creative, but views everything as a threat. The rabbit encourages us to face our fears, while at the same time taking care to protect ourselves from harm. The rabbit cleverly stores its food and finds creative solutions for avoiding danger. The rabbit encourages us to move in a different way to bring about positive change.
The ram represents strength and power, inspiring us to courageously face the challenges in life. The ram is symbolic of action and encourages us to progress in an assertive and determined way to reach our achievements. The ram is a symbol of abundance and is considered sacred. They are creative problem solvers and think quickly.
The raven is symbolic of magic and signifies that you have entered a period of great change through rebirth and renewal The raven brings that which is in the dark to light. The raven is clever and intelligent. The raven symbolizes that an ending is approaching and brings greater awareness to our environment and those who surround us. The raven guides us to our inner truth.
The racoon is clever and adaptable. It is considered to be a shapeshifter as its face resembles a mask, encouraging us to transform from who we are to who we want to be. Racoons are curious and love to explore, scavenging and acquiring nourishment. The racoon encourages us to explore the unknown and embrace our potential to transform into something new.
The snake is symbolic of rebirth and regeneration as it has the ability to shed its skin. The snake represents life force, protection and inner strength. The snake signifies the beginning or end of a transformation. The snake encourages us to focus on where our energy comes from and how we use our energy. The snake guides us through transformation, while reminding us to remain grounded.
Spiders are the creator of possibility, they symbolize our ability to weave the web we choose. The spider is creative and patient. The webs a spider weaves are intricate, delicate and strong. The spider encourages us to gain perspective and remain flexible. The spider guides us to pay attention to how the events in our life are woven together and the direction you are taking in life.
The squirrel is symbolic of playfulness, gratitude, adaptability and resourcefulness. The squirrel encourages us to renew our spirit by learning from past lessons. The squirrel guides us to view things from a new perspective in order to transform from our current state. The squirrel wants us to change and adapt as necessary, flowing through the obstacles of life. The squirrel encourages us that through creativity and adaptability anything is possible.
The swan symbolizes beauty, grace, wealth and purity. The swan encourages us to handle adversity with grace and guides us to persevere in difficult situations. The swan wants us to trust our intuition and be aware of unfounded self doubt. The swan encourages us to let our inner light and beauty shine and to share that light with those around us.
The swan symbolizes beauty, grace, wealth and purity. The swan encourages us to handle adversity with grace and guides us to persevere in difficult situations. The swan wants us to trust our intuition and be aware of unfounded self doubt. The swan encourages us to let our inner light and beauty shine and to share that light with those around us.
The turtle is symbolic of wisdom, patience and staying grounded. The turtle is peaceful and encourages us to slow down to gain confidence in the direction we are going. Turtles are in tune with the earth and its inhabitants. The turtle guides us to remain strong regardless of the distractions we encounter. The turtle is deliberate and harmonious with its surroundings, using its pace to gain a grounded perspective.
The unicorn is a magical, mystical creature and is symbolic of virtue, freedom, purity and grace. The unicorn is a wild and vibrant creature representing freedom and the joy of life. The unicorn encourages us to embrace playfulness and creativity imbuing positivity in all that we pursue.
The whale symbolizes inner truth and creativity. The whale encourages us to follow our truth and guides us to find peace through our true reality. The whale represents peaceful strength and emotional rebirth. Whales are excellent communicators and encourage us to speak our truth powerfully. The whale represents wisdom and intuition encouraging to take charge of our life.
The wolf is symbolic of intelligence, power and independence. The wolf is self reliant and seeks freedom. The wolf is instinctive and guides us to follow our intuition. The wolf reminds us to break free of the conventional path and follow our true passions and calling, having confidence in that which we know to be true. Take a look at this handmade resin pocket totem perfect to keep in your pocket as a reminder of your inner spirit animal, the wolf.
The zebra is symbolic of individuality, freedom and balance. The zebra encourages us to embrace our freedom and break free of the rules that others impose upon us. The zebra guides us to cherish our uniqueness and duality. The zebra offers empowerment and determination, encouraging communication and embracing our truth.
Check out this awesome spirit animal guidebook and journal.